Scout Designed ***XXX*** Scout Tested xxxxxxxxx Scout Approved

During scouting, I earned several merit badges, well actually I earned all of the merit badges Boy Scouts offered but several pertained to the development of this game. Specifically Graphic Design, Game Design, Entrepreneurship and American Business merit badges led me to develop this game. My fellow scouts and I like to play all kinds of games. (Scouting isn’t all camping). They helped me test the game and gave me feedback.

Primal Jaws did not happen overnight. It was years in the making.
This game played a significant role for me in earning my Eagle Scout Rank and in my Boy Scout career. 

It is designed to be challenging, educational and ferociously fun. The dinosaurs are not the usual over marketed ones but dinosaurs that challenge you to pronounce their names and encourage you to learn about them. It reinforces some basic math skills as you have to use pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters to keep track of rounds, damage, health, etc. The decks all have the same number of cards but they don’t have the same cards. That makes each deck different. I put a lot of energy and time into this game. 

I hope you enjoy it.  